I think the question that’s more relevant is
HOW does Pilates change your body?
And the answer to that would give all the answers to the first question.
The truth is, anything you do consistently and with integrity, IS going to bring some change to your body. Some of those changes are very external and visible to others, some of those changes would be subtle and more something you feel that has changed within yourself and your body.
From personal experience, my body doesn’t physically change much on the outside, from practicing Pilates, you’d have to really observe my body over time to notice it. I FEEL less pain in my body when I practice regularly, I FEEL more open across my chest, I FEEL stronger and we know strength is not something you see on a body as it stands there. I do the Pilates moves and repertoire with more ease, that’s for sure. I go way deeper into the work now, that’s something that took time/ consistency to get to.
Since I started some 18 years ago, there’s a huge change in my lower back, which was very lordotic (big lower back arch/curve) and now, not so much at all. That also took away a lot of pain I had in that area. I couldn’t stand for more than 4 hours without excruciating pain, now I can stand an entire day, (and often at night too with my other work), and cope perfectly fine. It actually takes a LOT to make my lower back scream out in pain now. I can speak about my own experience but I’ve seen year after year, the people that I teach Pilates to, also have similar changes occur. Whether it was their “goal” or not.
Pilates can also change your mindset around movement and why you do it in the first place. Much like a post a few weeks ago, the “goal” may change. And if you care to look deeper into that, you’ll see that’s because of ‘change’. Some kind of shift.
I will add more personal opinions in to the mix here….
If Pilates can change my body slowly over time, physically realign my spine in a pretty drastic way, then i’m convinced it can do it for anyone. One of the reasons I’m anti chiropractor (when you see them alone and don’t do any other work for the your spinal concern) is because without manipulating the muscles around the bones, the bones are likely to be pulled back to their natural position, the result is always so temporary. HOWEVER, if you see a chiro, and then work your muscles to help that alignment change you’re going for, then you’re more likely to see a result.
With all the body issues I have personally dealt with all the money I have spent on various specialists, the ONLY thing that has truely bought my body to balance and kept my body happiest has been, a weekly massage and a regular classical Pilates practice.
Absolute GOLD.
Now, i mention Classical Pilates at this point.
1. we are a classical studio. So here, when we speak of Pilates, it's the classical system we speak to.
2. I taught and practiced contemporary Pilates for years and need to be super clear that I did not get the same result as when I practice Classical. I could go into details but I also feel that I shouldn’t, maybe we can save it for another day.
. I think it’s magic, something about it just works for MY body. Many people love contemporary Pilates but I have to say I’ve never met anyone who did contemporary, then classical for a committed period of time, who went back to contemporary practices. I’ll let you make of that what you will.
So in short, yes, damn straight (no pun intended) Pilates can change your body. It’s not a guarantee, it’s something to explore and see!
Writer: Lucia Farina