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Does it really matter??

Michaela Brown

When it comes to Pilates and specifically, the Classical system, there are some people out there who call us pretty “picky”.

You know, when we keep on at you for the little details, like where your toes are or what hand goes on what part of your leg when you do the series of 5, or what way your hands are facing when you do Teaser. Some might say that’s being too “extra” or being a bit picky.

And, the question is, which I’ve heard on repeat over the years is


Like you know, if my hand faces up or down, or whatever. Does it ACTUALLY make a difference to the quality of my movement?

Well the answer is, it’s up to you. You’re allowed to do pilates or teach pilates how you want as there are no Pilates Police checking up on you / us.

But in our space and at our studio we teach Pilates across the full spectrum that it is. Pilates is not about just flexibility and strength or purely about physical movement. It’s a lot to do with overall Wellness too. Something I admire about this practice, which to be honest I think was probably actually well thought out, is the co - ordination, brain thinking and rhythm of everything.

So, I guess it doesn't matter if these things don’t matter to you. Personally, I think if you don’t include all the elements of what pilates is while you teach or or practice it…. Can you call it Pilates then? It would just be any other exercise, surely? It can’t just be the exercises of Pilates that make Pilates, Pilates, because actually many of the moves are found in Gymnastics too or other practices, as Joseph did not pull this all out of his ass, he was inspired by many older and different practices and then added his specifics through the details and the apparatus, to make it the Pilates we know today.

It’s called Pilates because his name was PILATES and his flair made it unique.

That sounds super snobby but allow me to explain.

The body (again I will say ) is not just a bag of bones and muscle. There is more to us and more to consider when it comes to overall health.

No movement is involuntary, it all comes from an instruction of the brain whether you are conscious of it or not.

That link and communication pathway is VITAL to our health and our quality of life, when it comes to physical health.

From experience i will tell you, from witnessing someone very close to me live with a head injury, that if your brain doesn't function at its full capacity, life can get a bit shit.

Keeping your brain having to remember things, coordinate and follow a specific rhythm, literally keeps you on your (brain) toes. All VERY valuable stuff.

Lifting a bar up and down in the gym doesn't require the same full body connection the way pilates does, and I’m saying this a qualified gym instructor a Personal Trainer and an avid weight lifting fan. It’s all superb work, for your muscles, bone density and stength, but it’s not complex. It’s basic.

It’s just not the same.

So does it really matter?

If you want to get the full range of benefits and really absorb the goodness that Pilates is then YES! And a HUGE yes at that - it bloody matters!!

So yeah, we think the details matter, what hand goes where and when and if your legs move a fraction before your arms on a movement does make a difference, because it makes you THINK and THINKING about you movement is bringing consciousness to your body and that’s something that makes this practice so unique but the thing is, you can take or leave that stuff.

Us, we take it because to us, it really matters!! Mental stimulation is also a part of your physical wellbeing and we cannot and will not leave that stuff out. You matter to us and so we care about all those elements that help keep you healthy and promote longevity.

Joseph said you're only as young as your spine but your spine only does what your brain tells it, so maybe you're only as young as the functionality of your brain??

Food for thought.

Writer: Lucia Farina



Get in Touch

Trinity Pilates is a home studio located in Hampton, Victoria. The address is provided on booking of the first class.

I hold classes Monday to Friday at selected times. All classes are by appointment only. Please use the contact form to get in touch with me.

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